*Premium features require subscription at $1.99/year
*Supports Dark mode

Number Tabs
awesome features

Integrated Calculator with
Ablity to Edit History

Use Text Mode to enter
calculations faster

Use common
Spreadsheet Functions

Share your tabs realtime with anyone!

Shareable links for
realtime Tabs!

Use tags to organize calculations and tabs

Sync your calculations
Across Devices

Search your calculations

Available in
Dark mode

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NumberTabs - Notes for your calculations | Product Hunt

Scan any printed table or scribbled list!
Quick Import

Share your tabs with anyone!
Realtime collaboration

Why do you need
NumberTabs ?

Note your working calculations in mobile, Scan and Import calculations from paper and Share the tabs realtime via Mobile and Web. NumberTabs eliminates the need for you to use notepads or note apps to take down your calculations. Even if you are juggling between calculations simultaneosly, going back and forth with calculators, it's really cumbersome.
NumberTabs provides an easier way.

It gives an easy to use integrated calculator with advanced history editing features, simple interface, faster organization of your calculations, tagging options and spreadsheet functions to use for any type of calculation. You can even scan and import data from any table or list. You can also share your tabs!

When you are building a long calculation using calculators we might make mistakes which only to be realized later. When you are that deep in your process, it's not easy to completely reset and build them all again. Integrated Calculator has been designed to be intuitive, simple, faster, accessible and flexible. You can always edit the past terms or symbols even after you've caculated them.

Most used functions in spreadsheets softwares like Google Sheet or Excel are available for using within the app. You can apply these functions either to all calculations within the tab or separately tagged ones. We have SUM, AVG, COUNT, SUMIF, AVGIF, COUNTIF functions available with support for multiple conditional operators.

We have provided the option to tag any calculation, so as to provide an extra layer of information when viewing it on the main tab.

Download the app today

*Premium features require subscription at $1.99/year

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